Ah, yes. The tried and true Quenchers Saloon. This corner bar, at the intersection of Western and Fullerton avenues (2401 N Western, to be exact), is a treasure chest for people who love beer. Music, too, but mostly beer.
With over 300 varieties available through taps, bottles and cans, there is no way you can walk into the bar and not find something you like. Really, it's impossible. I challenge any asshole to try. Now sure, is this another bar that I'm incredibly partial to? How could I not be? It's three blocks away, there's never a cover (just suggested donations) and all the free popcorn I can eat. With hot sauce.
My last visit to Quenchers took place during the Great Chicago Blizzard of '11. Some friends and I grabbed our PBRs, wandered out into the raging storm and made our way down Fullerton. Amidst the flashing lights of emergency crews and thunder snow stood a shining beacon of awesome.
The crowd was small...very small, for obvious reasons. We sort of took over and immediately loaded up on stouts, cream ales, IPAs, etc. There were delicious, warm pretzels with three different dips: cheese, beer mustard and regular mustard. While I'm unsure if the whole thing was open that night, Quenchers does have a kitchen and pretty tasty menu, especially if you like tater tots. And pizza. And tater tots on pizza.
When there's not live music (there is live music every night, usually after 10 p.m.), they have one of those ol' interwebby-jukeboxes. We definitely commandeered that guy to ourselves. We also applauded every other snow-goer who came through the door for the rest of the night. John, the bartender, didn't mind our kooky antics. I think he was happy to be making some money and having some fun during the winter experience of the season.
In terms of space, Quenchers is a nice size; however, it can get packed pretty tight on the weekends. There are two rooms, one with the bar and one with the stage for music. The bar is long and at a ninety-degree angle, so there's usually room to squeeze in somewhere and get your drink of choice.
Prices run from dirt cheap ($2 Blatz cans, anyone?) to a little higher, especially for some of the limited-edition tap brews.
As far as people go, Quenchers is pretty unpredictable. One night it can be home to a smattering of Bucktown hipster d-bags and then the next night, especially a Friday night, it can be packed with a strange assortment of Chads and Trixies. I've seen bachelor(ette) parties, birthday bonanzas and everything else take place. Basically, if you like beer, you'll fit right in. As long as you don't bitch and moan about it being cash only. If any of these things sound of interest to you, get your ass out of your living room and into Quenchers Saloon, ASAP.
Drinks: Cheap to Pricey, depending
People: Beer Drinkers, Hipsters, Yuppies, Chads, Trixies, all age ranges
Atmosphere: Casually hip
Grade: A
Next time: The Mutiny
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